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Marigold Preschool & Mixed Aged Kindergarten

Our Marigold Preschool & Mixed Age Kindergarten program is for 3, 4, 5, and 6 year olds. Our morning runs from 8:15 AM to 12 PM. Following the principles of Waldorf education, our classroom gives children the opportunity to socialize with their peers. Older children provide a model for the younger ones, and all children benefit from a family-like atmosphere.


There is much work to be done in a Waldorf kindergarten. In addition to free play, children participate in preparing the snack, dusting and polishing toys, and washing the dishes. The life skills that the young child learns in a nurturing and enjoyable way are essential as a foundation for their future experiences as a capable and responsible adult.


Our Morning Rhythm is...

8:15 Indoor free play/baking

9:15 Clean up and bathroom

9:30 Bird snack and rest

9:45 Circle Time

10:05 Snack

10:30 Clean up/wash dishes

10:45 Outdoor play

11:45 Story

12:00 Goodbye


Parents may choose either a three, four, or five day option for their child. Children who attend our Rose Garden Afternoon Care program will eat lunch together after transitioning from morning class. Learn more by downloading the application form and tuition breakdown from our Admissions page.



© Under The Willow Preschool

45 West Walnut Street; Marietta, PA 17547


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